Producer: Lau Ka Ho
Genre: Modern, police
Cast: Bosco Wong, Linda Chung, Paul Chun, Ram Chiang
Bosco is a Witness Protection Unit (WPU) officer assigned to protect Linda, the daughter of a rich businessman (Paul Chun). Linda has depression but she slowly opens up as she falls in love with Bosco. Paul Chun conducts business in questionable ways and has something to hide about his past. He will stop at nothing to protect this secret…
Hurrah, a new police show! Wrong. It is a family drama disguised as a police drama. I should have gotten the hint because the producer is Lau Ka Ho, aka Mr. Family Drama specialist. Now someone correct me if I’m wrong: Promotional clips showed two witnesses being killed shortly before a trial – one run over by a car and one thrown off a building. I never saw these scenes, or anything resembling it, in the entire series. False advertising? Yeah. Like I said, this is hardly a police drama. If you signed up for one, just watch the first and last five episodes and skip everything in between.
Well, at least those wishing to see romantic sparks between
Bosco and Linda can rejoice? Err… First of all, they were never officially
together. Second, I’m not sure if they were even that in love with each other. Linda
has been isolated all her life until Bosco appears and he bears resemblance to
her dead elder brother. She’s just channeling her emotions for her brother towards
Bosco. As for Bosco, he didn’t have feelings for her at the beginning. I’m not
sure how he realizes he loves her all of a sudden. If these two were truly in
love with each other, Bosco’s struggle between love and righteousness (of
bringing her father to justice) would have been much more intriguing. But here,
there was never wasn’t difficulty in choosing.
So failed police show and failed romance story. What’s good?
Ram Chiang was definitely a highlight. He was hilarious every time he appeared.
The investigation into Paul Chun’s past was also very interesting. They should
have made that part longer. Maybe more people involved, more action of him trying
to kill Bosco, or even how he tries to fight off the charges instead of meekly
giving in to his conscience (because the shady businessman is not supposed to
be like that). Just please don’t give me more Linda crying/agonzing scenes.
Linda has been in 5 recent series, so some people complained about being tired of seeing her. Yes, especially when she is crying all the time. Seriously, she needs a different role, like evil or something, and not always playing the weak girl. Bosco makes me laugh whenever he stands politely holding his hands in front of him. It makes him look like a servant instead of a respectable police officer.
The ending… watch it yourself, I don’t want to spoil it. Don’t
understand how they would let him walk away like that. And there was no reason
for them to do that either.
I could not stand Hui sir in this series. The perfect ending would have been Hui sir getting a job in Kiu Kong Shan's company and living his life as a prince. The fact that he wouldn't let go off Kiu Kong Shan was really annoying.