Favourite Actress

So happy that Carman Lee is on the ballot!
Runner-up: I'll go with Charmaine Sheh who has been missed at TVB.
Least favourite: Priscilla Wong.
Notable Omissions: Surprising that Selena Li is not on the list, considering she filmed a Singaporean drama too.
Favourite Actor

Roger Kwok is the hot favourite right now. He can do good roles and evil roles equally well.
Runner-up: Sexy Ruco Chan.
Least favourite: Don't know why I never liked Raymond Wong.
Notable Omissions: Raymond Lam kicked off the list now that his contract is over.
Favourite Supporting Actress

I'll give my vote to Elena Kong. Her role in Bounty Lady was quite refreshing from her usual roles.
Runner-up: Mandy Wong or Nancy Wu.
Least favourite: Sharon Chan was not convincing as a high-ranking madam at all.
Notable Omission: May Chan is adorable in Bounty Lady or Black Heart White Soul.
Favourite Supporting Actor

Louis Cheung really did a good job in both Black Heart White Soul and Brother's Keeper.
Runner-up: Hard to choose... everyone is a solid actor.
Least favourite: Jason Chan wins by a landslide.
Notable Omission: Tony Hung deserves a mention for his role in Rear Mirror.
Favourite Female Character

Carman Lee. Probably the only housewife character I'll love so much.
Runner-up: Charmaine is really working her charm in Line Walker.
Least favourite: Priscilla Wong in Swipe Tap Love.
Notable Omission: Any of the other ladies in Never Dance Alone.
Favourite Male Character

It has to be Roger Kwok from Black Heart White Soul. Love that inner evilness!
Runner-up: Ruco Chan, although he was more charismatic in Ruse of Engagement
Least favourite: Disliked Edwin Siu's character in Brother's Keeper
Notable Omission: No Wayne Lai?
Favourite Drama

Black Heart White Soul was dark and thrilling.
Runner-up: Never Dance Alone got a 5/5 review.
Least favourite: The Ultimate Addiction was The Ultimate Flop.
Notable Omission: Will Power was good for the most part.
Favourite Couple

Some weird nominations (why does Kristal get two nominations?)... Guess I'll have to choose Carman & Lawrence, even though it should be the other Lawrence.
Runner-up: Roger Kwok & Kristal Tin
Least favourite: Priscilla Wong & Raymond Wong. Two of my least favourite actors together.
Notable Omission: Stevia fans should be up in arms.
Favourite Theme Song

Hands down "Sequel" by Joey Yung.
Runner-up: "Heaven's Will" by Steven Ma
Least favourite: "Rest Note" by Jinny Ng. Please stop letting her sing theme songs.
Notable Omission: I suppose Journey to the West is not eligible for nominations, otherwise Alfred Hui's "Convoy" is a good song.
Favourite Variety Show Categories
As usual, no picks for these categories, but I will commend Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk, which has been surprisingly entertaining.
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